The BILY Foundations Course


Our small group coaching program focuses on the relationship between you and your body, so that you create a stronger foundation for true and lasting self love.

A loving relationship with your body that’s unconditional and sacred is available to you.

This course is for you if:


You bully your body in the mirror, and it’s hard to imagine accepting or liking your body.


You say ‘no’ to doing fun things with friends and family, for fear your body might be seen

You feel guilty spending time or money on you, always prioritizing everyone else.


Your body recently changed, and you can’t figure out how to appreciate or connect with her.

You can’t seem to control all the negative self-talk and chatter up in your head.


You hate to see yourself in photos and avoid being in the shot or you hide in the back.

You hide your body, and don’t dress the way you want or buy the size you need.


You don’t know how to ask for what you want at work, with family, and in the bedroom.

Our signature course involves meeting live with 2 trained BILY coaches, and a small group of other women, once a week for 6 weeks, in guiding you to intentionally and actively love your body.

  • Gain awareness of your subconscious blocks to self-love and improve communication with your body.

  • Learn new ways of listening and talking to your body with love.

  • Discover the power of forgiveness for your body, and how set better boundaries to protect her.

  • Learn how to be vulnerable so shame can stop holding you back from a life you love.

  • Identify your beliefs, blocks, and desires for more pleasure, intimacy, and sex.

  • Gain incredible gratitude for your body, and celebrate what she does for you - and what you’ve done for her!

$700 single payment or $250/3 months

Upcoming BILY Groups:

TUESDAYS Oct 15 - Nov 19

Virtual Group
With Coach Syd and Coach Leah

Sign up during the month of August and you’ll recieve the option to extend your payment plan (if that would support you) AS WELL AS a 1 on 1, private coaching session with a Body, I Love You coach of your choosing.

No matter what your body looks like, what the scale says, or how your clothes fit, you deserve to feel damn good in your body.

I’m in! Sign me up.

If you know you wanna join, and don’t need to talk to a BILY Coach, you can secure your spot now. We’ll follow up by email to get you details for the group you want to join.

Payment Options

“I realized that I spent most of my adult life being a nurturer and giver - so I didn’t say ‘I don’t like the way that makes me feel.” or ‘I would rather do this’ or ‘No.’ EVER! After my experience with BILY, I check in with myself before I make a decision about me, I speak up for myself, and I choose myself every day.”

— Willow
Mother, Herbalist and Business Executive

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