We’re passionate about helping you look in the mirror with love.

Meet Syd

Our co-Founder and our fearless queen is Sydney Robilotta. Sydney is a life coach with a talent for helping women create meaning, passion, and awareness in the world. She believes that you can decide to choose love now. Fair warning: she’s not afraid to give it to you straight and lets all the authenticity and vulnerability hang out.

Meet Tonia

Tonia Noland is a master Mindset and Transition Coach helping entrepreneurial women build their confidence and remove roadblocks that hold them back. She believes that how you feel in your body effects how you show up in all areas of your life and is ready to help you love your body as it is right now. Get ready because Tonia inspires you into action!

Meet Jen

Bombshell Body Coach and Selfie Queen Jennifer Price is all about helping mamas feel sexy and celebrate themselves. She believes that showing your femininity is showing your power and is committed to helping you unlock it for yourself. She’ll show you what it looks like to love and flaunt your beauty every day!

Meet Leah

Leah Hortin is an Anti-Diet Health Coach helping women get off the diet rollercoaster once and for all. She knows that work can't be done without simultaneously improving your body appreciation and self-love. She's committed to helping you find your food freedom and love your body - from the inside out, not the outside in.

We’ll help you change your body story.


Get confidence in YOU.

By prioritizing self-love, you start standing up for yourself, set better boundaries, ask for more pleasure, and demand what you truly want in life.

Feel the loving community.

We create a safe space to be vulnerable and share, and it’s absolutely inspiring to see BILY Babes start cheering each other on with encouragement and breakthroughs.

Be an example of love.

Show your daughters, sisters, mothers, and friends what it looks like to be confident in your body — supporting each other rather than competing and comparing.