Monthly Masterclass

November Masterclass: 5 Tips on Setting Boundaries During the Holidays

5 Tips on Setting Boundaries During the Holidays

5 Tips on Setting Boundaries During the Holidays

The holidays can be… complicated. You’re feeling overwhelmed about being with family for an extended period of time while they continue to call you that midly offensive childhood nickname and question your life choices. Not to mention the mental preparation it takes knowing that uncle Bill is gonna wanna talk politics and wouldn’t know a social cue if it slapped him in the face. Or what about the anxiety of “holiday weight gain” or the pressures to stay away from holiday treats? Like I said, the holidays can be complicated.

In this month’s masterclass we are going to discuss 5 different tips on how to identify, set and enforce boudaries. EVEN IF you’re “so bad” at holding a boundary historically. EVEN IF your family doesn’t know the meaning of the word “boundary,” I promise you, there will be something in this for you.

Join us the Friday before Thanksgiving just in time to prepare your holiday and set yourself up for success, ease and actual Joy.

5 Tips on Setting Boundaries
During the Holidays

Friday, November 18, 2022
5 - 6pm PST

Pay what you can: Recommended minimum $10, depending on your situation. Thank you!

No fancy equipment needed - simply bring something to write with and write on.


1-on-1 Coaching