Stop waiting to love your body.

Hey Beautiful. Yes YOU! What are you waiting for?

We know you’re all about it, Sister. This body positive thing.

You admire all the gorgeous women that are inspiring you and flaunting their bodies no matter what their weight, size, skin tone, shape, or abilities.

But you just can’t seem to do the same.

You want to be that confident in your own body, accepting yourself without worrying about what other people are saying or judging. But…

You’ve struggled to love your body. Since, like, forever.

You worked hard most of your life, trying every diet and exercise program you could bully yourself with. And even though you’re done with that bullsh*t, you don’t know how to stop the self-criticism and negative chatter in your head. You think you’re ready to love yourself unconditionally – but there’s one, itsy bitsy little problem:

You’re secretly still waiting.

To fit into that dress. To look younger. To make more money. To be fit with tons of energy. To enjoy smooth clear skin. To meet that person that loves and accepts you no matter what.

And you’re not ready to give up on your dream life!

You still want to improve, change, and transform your body - and yourself! And that’s okay! But it means that even though you want to love your body…

You just don’t want to love her YET.

You see, for most of your life you thought you had to change something about your body (or yourself) before you loved her. And if you love and accept her right now, just as she is, you’re afraid you’ll be giving up. Well… we hate to break it to you sister…

But you’ve already given up.

You’ve given up on YOU. You’ve given up on true, unconditional love for your body. And we did too…

You’re not alone!

Before we started Body I Love You, we were just like you! We starved, sweated, and worked HARD to get the body we loved. But we grew frustrated without any lasting progress, feeling like we failed.

We were tired of not feeling damn good in our body!

We didn’t want to spend the rest of our lives counting calories, bullying ourselves in the mirror, and avoiding being seen. As coaches, moms, wives, and leaders, we knew we had to be a better example.

How can you teach others to love themselves, if you can’t do it for yourself?

And we realized that if we put conditions on loving our bodies, we never will. Because the conditions are constantly changing. Through new relationships, new jobs, new routines — and even just drinking a glass of water — our bodies change every day! So we ditched the body bullsh*t, and said YES to saying Body I Love You, no matter what.

YOU can be the person that loves and accepts you no matter what!

We created a supportive loving community where you can truly be yourself, and practice a loving relationship with your body for a lifetime.

Today we can say:


There’s no guilt when we don’t exercise or eat ‘unhealthy’ foods.

We prioritize care and time for ourselves, not just for everyone else in our lives.

We have control over the negative self-talk and criticism up in our heads.

“Body I Love You” with an overall sense of joy and gratitude for our bodies!

BILY teaches self-love, so you feel powerful and confident in your body, no matter what changes she’ll go through.

Join our community:


Mute Your Inner Mean Girl!

Download our free guide: Mute Your Inner Mean Girl with 3 Simple Steps to Quiet the Body-Bashing Voice in Your Head - AND get our body-lovin’ tips every week too!

BILY Discovery Call

Chat with one of our BILY Coaches and learn more about the Body I Love You Method — and the steps we teach to intentionally and actively love your body.

BILY Foundations Course
$700 or 3 payments of $250

Join one of our upcoming 6-week small group sessions where you’ll focus on the relationship with your body to create a stronger foundation for true self love.

Get to know our amazing community of beautiful bodies we support.

What BILY sisters are saying



Working Mom

“I was looking in the mirror at myself naked and thought ‘Wow. Is that me? I’m so beautiful.’ I was looking particularly at my stomach, which I’ve felt so self-conscious about. It was amazing to feel that way about myself NOT because of weight loss, but because of a genuine love for my body.”



Retired Business Owner & Mom of our Fabulous Founder

“I’m doing things for myself with just an overall sense of JOY. And it's contageous! All of my friends and family have noticed - and it rubs off on them too. I'm not reacting in the same way; I have more empathy and I'm more focused on the positive.”




“Before, I was either living in past: ‘Remember when I was so cute and skinny?’ Or in the future: ‘I can't wait to be cute and skinny!’ And now I just accept myself now as I am - because I'm awesome!”


Stay inspired with helpful tips, stories, and news.

Give yourself permission to love your body.

Break up with your body bullsh*t and fall in love with YOU.